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Frequently Asked Questions

What is brow permanent makeup?

Brow permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is a semi-permanent technique used to enhance the appearance of eyebrows. It involves depositing pigment into the skin to create natural-looking hair strokes or a filled-in brow shape that lasts for an extended period.

What is the difference between microblading, powder brow, & combination brows?

Microblading involves using a handheld tool to create fine hair-like strokes in the eyebrow area. Powder brow, also known as shading, uses a technique to create a soft, powdered effect that resembles the look of makeup filled brows. Combination brows combine the hair strokes of microblading with the soft shading of powder brow to achieve a more defined and natural-looking result.

How long does brow permanent makeup last?

The longevity of brow permanent makeup varies depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. Typically, microblading and combination brows can last between 1 to 3 years, while powder brow may last slightly longer due to its denser pigment application.

How often will I need touch-up sessions?

Touch-up sessions are recommended to maintain optimal results and prevent discoloration and may be needed every 12 to 18 months, depending on the technique and individual factors. It's essential to schedule touch-ups as needed to ensure the longevity and rich color of your brow permanent makeup.

Does microblading damage your hair follicles?

Microblading is done in the papillary dermis, which is more superficial than where your hair follicles are, does not impact hair growth/health long-term, yet temporarily can cause hair loss due to damage during the procedure (which in my experience is rare). The caveat is, this assumes the technician is experienced enough not to penetrate too deeply into the skin. It also assumes you do not get keloid scars; in which case, you aren’t even a candidate for microblading. Lastly, it's important not to mistake microblading for the cause of your hair loss if your brows are already thinning.

Is brow permanent makeup painful?

Discomfort during brow permanent makeup procedures is typically minimal, with most clients describing it as a mild scratching sensation. Numbing creams are applied to minimize any discomfort.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of brow permanent makeup procedures varies but typically take around 2 to 3 hours.

What is the healing process like?

After brow permanent makeup procedures, it's normal for your brows to be swollen, itchy and sore for the first few days as the skin heals. Following aftercare instructions is crucial to ensure proper healing and optimal results.

Day 1 - 3: Brows will be stiff, tender to the touch, and can have slight swelling.

Day 4 - 9: Scabs will begin to crack and shed unevenly in chunks.

Day 10 - 14: Shedding of scabs should be nearly complete. Brows may appear light and ashy because of new skin healing over the tattoo.

Week 6-8: Brows are fully healed and their true color.

Who is a good candidate for brow permanent makeup?

Ideal candidates for brow permanent makeup are individuals looking to enhance their eyebrows, fill in sparse areas, or achieve a more defined shape. However, individuals with certain medical conditions such as pregnancy, autoimmune disorders, active skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, blood disorders, a history of keloid scarring, allergies to pigments, or undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may not be suitable candidates. It's crucial to discuss any medical concerns or conditions with your doctor and technician ahead of your procedure to ensure your safety and suitability for the procedure.

 How do I choose the right technician?

When selecting a technician for brow permanent makeup, consider factors such as experience, qualifications, and portfolio of previous work. Choose a technician who specializes in the specific technique you're interested in and prioritizes safety and sanitation. In Minnesota, your technician and the establishment in which they operate should be licensed by the Body Art Division of the MN Department of Health. Aestheticians and dermatologists may be exempt from the requirement to obtain a separate tattoo technician license if they are performing permanent makeup procedures within the scope of their professional practice and under certain conditions.

What are the potential risks and side effects?

While brow permanent makeup procedures are generally safe when performed by a trained professional, potential risks include allergic reactions, infections, and dissatisfaction with results. It's essential to choose a reputable technician and follow aftercare instructions diligently to minimize these risks.

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